Archives for the month of: April, 2010

Today we are gearing up for the letter ‘C’ in our A-Z of adventures… C is for Cool Camping…

We have been lucky enough to have been invited to stay in a lovely Tipi, courtesy of Perry at Tipi Heaven, we are SO excited and have been busy thinking about what to pack. Heidi has expressed a great need for warm pyjamas, where as this will be Claudia’s first ever trip camping and lets face it camping doesn’t get any cooler than a Tipi. (No Claudia, there isn’t anywhere to plug in your hairdryer)

We have been told there is a huge fire for us to cook on, all Navajo style. This is a great oppertunity for us to get all outdoorsy and a great break from the office. Keep tuned to see how the evening unfolds, will everyone have sleeping bags? will we cope outdoors? will there be bears? will anyone manage to sleep through George’s snoring…

Someone in the office said when you go camping you have to take loo roll and a shovel, I really hope she was joking… I think she was joking…

Here at Honey PR we have been keeping our latest client top secret… until now….

Dah-dah-dah-dah-daaaaaah! (in James Bond style theme music)

We came over all secret agent in the office as we launched Si5 Spy Missions in Milton Keynes. The latest adventure centre to hit the area, Si5 offers kids and adults the chance to relive their James Bond fantasies (as we did) in a series of cover-ops guided spy missions.

We had a great press turn-out with key local papers, magazines and BBC radio in attendance, not to mention the whole first team of MK Dons footballers, who especially enjoyed the super fast slide that ends your mission.

MK Dons and Si5 founder Bob Richardson

The Mayor came to visit the new facility and give us the official ribbon cut. To make sure that we were well prepared for the councillor, Sarah and Si5 manager Michael practiced the scissor cut to perfection. Good job team.

Check out the Si5 website for more details and to book your own secret agent experience…

Mostly in the form of the Cambridge News Business section when we’ve been doing a new A-Z of adventures. Avid readers of the blog will have been waiting with breath held for the coverage of our box-fest. well, here it is…

Looking nice and sweaty there girls, keep it up 😀

The sun is finally shining over Cambridge, it’s about flipping time. Hoorah! Today marked the first day this year that the girls ate lunch outside in Hope street yard’s little garden.

Look at those smiley faces. aren’t we lovely 🙂 Nice to see Heidi and Sarah keeping up with the water challenge there too.

Day 2 of the Water challenge and after many trips to the loo it’s all gone a little water envy, got me thinking of the old ‘Smack the pony’ sketch from years ago…

So whose winning? And isn’t it supposed to be about the taking part that counts?

Need a bit of H20 in your life?

We do! We’ve taken an executive decision here in the office to take inspiration from Volvics current campaign to encourage people to drink more water. The idea is to drink 1.5 litres of lovely water through-out the working day…

We are expecting to see BIG changes in our minds, bodies and souls, and all this in only 14 days, someone should really bottle the stuff, you could make a killing! Hopefully the water challenge will be an all round sucess and not end up like the 5-a-day challenge which went down hill pretty quickly 😦

Unfortunately our ‘water closet’ is situated downstairs and across Hope Street Yard, so other patrons of the antiques yard may be seeing more of us as we trot across the yard. Good luck Claudia, good luck to us all, and watch this space…

Wednesday evening before the Easter break and the Honey team found themselves getting a little boom boom pow of their own in the form of the letter B in our A-Z of adventures.

Hand wraps and gloves donned, we were ready for our boxing lesson from top professional boxing trainer Ben Hudson, a former pro boxer with a career of around 50 fights.

Everyone did really well, with our own varied fitness routines coming in beneficial, from salsa to horse riding, tap dancing to pilates. While some of us found the opportunity particularly useful to vent some aggression in a healthy manor, it was agreed by the group that our own Suzie boycott was pure hardcore.

Claudia, Suzie, Heidi, trainer Ben Hudson and Sarah

We learnt all the moves, from jabs, hooks, upper cuts and big fat punches. We also learnt push ups, THE PLANK, lunges, squats, and press-ups with one finger (Daisy was particularly good at these.) After a few rounds pummling the blighty out of our opponent (the punch bag) things were going well and everyone was tired…

…but not too tired for a quick Claudia pose of course…

In your face Sylvester Stallone!